St. John of The Cross

St. John of The Cross

St. John of the Cross
"Let us rejoice, O my Beloved!" December 14th is the feast of mystic, poet, and reformer, St. John of the Cross. St. Teresa of Avila enlisted his assistance in reforming the Carmelite order. The proposed reforms didn't go over well, and John was imprisoned. Rather than become discouraged or defiant, John turned to prayer. His time in prison resulted in some of the greatest mystical poetry the Church has seen. After his escape, his efforts were recognized and honored by the Carmelites. While he was appointed to the highest office in his order, dissension forced him into solitude again. Following Christ isn't always easy, nor will it always be received well by everyone around us. John of the Cross teaches us that these challenges can be opportunities to unite ourselves closer to Jesus.
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